The women at Lambeth Conference

O Lord,
How wonderful You are.
We purify our hearts for such a time as this and bow with Esther in submission to her king.
How wonderful You are.
We seek Your counsel with the woman of Able Bethmaachah. We repent of that in our hearts which stirs Your anger and cast it out.
How wonderful You are.
We beg for mercy for our family with the Syro-Phoenician woman, and believe in Your triumph over evil.
How wonderful You are.
We search the Holy Scriptures, like Ruth gleaning the left over grain in the field, and trust in Your daily provision.
How wonderful You are.
We join our hands with Jael’s and pierce the evil in our homes with the sword of the Spirit.
How wonderful You are.
We join our voice to Miriam’s song and celebrate our deliverance from slavery to sin with music and dance.
How wonderful You are.
We work for the needs of our family and stretch out our hand to the poor, like the Proverbs 31 woman, and You clothe us in strength and honor.
How wonderful You are.
We serve You day and night with Anna, desiring to never leave Your presence.
How wonderful You are.
We sit at Your feet with Mary and let none of Your words fall to the ground.
How wonderful You are.
We reach out our hand with the woman who touched the edge of Your garment and feel Your healing power.
How wonderful You are.
We pour out our hearts like the woman with the alabaster box of perfume, and the aroma of our prayers ascends to the throne room of heaven.
How wonderful You are.
We weep with Your mother Mary and the other women at the foot of the cross, and our tears are made holy with Your blood.
How wonderful You are.
We proclaim You as Master at the empty tomb with Mary Magdalene.
How wonderful You are.
We yearn for You like the Shulamite girl for the shepherd in The Song of Solomon, in a garden of pomegranates, pleasant fruits, and spices.
How wonderful You are.

Lord Jesus, we lift up the women attending Lambeth Conference—the bishops’ wives, the clergy, the press, the workers and the visitors. Call out to Your beloved servants, we pray. Speak Your love to them and beckon them to return.
Call forth the virtues of Esther, the woman of Bethmaachah, the Syro-Phoenician women, Ruth, Jael, Miriam, the Proverbs 31 woman, Anna, Mary, the woman with the issue of blood, the woman with the alabaster box of perfume, Your mother, Mary Magdalene, and the Shulamite girl.
Call forth the faith of the widow of Zarephath. The oil of Your anointing shall not fail. Amen.

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