A prayer by E.B. Pusey: Jesus, Fountain of Love

I’m particularly struck by the line “Win through thy love others for thy love.”

May we never seek more of God’s love for ourselves, only, but that God’s love would overflow from our hearts into others’ lives and they might be drawn to Him!

Good Jesus, Fountain of Love,
Fill us with thy love.
Absorb us into thy love;
Compass us with thy love,
That we may see all things in the light of thy love,
Receive all things as the token of thy love,
Speak of all things in words breathing of thy love,
Win through thy love others for thy love,
Be kindled day by day with a new glow of thy love,
Until we be fitted to enter into thine everlasting love,
To adore thy love and love to adore thee, our God and all.
Even so come, O Lord Jesus.

– E.B. Pusey, 1800-1882

Hat tip: Trevin Wax, Kingdom People

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