Prayer for the General Election in the UK today

From the Global Prayer Resource Network, these suggestions on how to be praying for the UK:

Praying towards the General Elections in the United Kingdom, 7 May 2015 

“It’s not about them. It’s all about you. Not them. You. About you because a general election is one of those rare times when your voice counts as much as anyone else’s voice does. About you because you have the chance to help choose who represents you and your community in Parliament. About you because you can influence who will run the country for the next five years and, therefore, help shape what sort of country you live in. Rarely has there been a choice so wide or one with an impact which could be so dramatic.” So writes Nick Robinson Political Editor of the BBC.

To those within the UK: we have the responsibility of standing guard in prayer over the whole process that will now roll out to Election Day on 7th May and beyond – what a privilege!  Use: 1 Timothy 2: 1-3; Ephesians 3: 10-12

To those in other nations around the world, please pray for the Election process in the UK as you read this.  The outcome of these elections will have an impact on all of us.

Let’s continue to worship Jesus as Lord; thank Him for His goodness; seek His forgiveness; release the blessing of Father, Son and Holy Spirit into the whole process and pray for His Kingdom to come and His will be done.

Praying for:

  • God’s mercy on the UK  – we have done much to grieve God’s heart
  • God’s plans and purposes for the UK to be fulfilled
  • Safety from terrorism – up to and beyond The Election
  • Honesty to mark the final days of campaigning by the party leaders and those standing locally.
  • God to call new Christians into our assemblies, parliaments  & in local government
  • Wise & unbiased reporting by the media
  • Many people to turn out and use their votes wisely – in England, Northern Ireland, Wales and Scotland (James 1:5)
  • Wisdom in the formation of new government in Westminster and in the Assemblies in Northern Ireland and Wales and Parliament in Scotland (Prov.14:34; 11:14)

Source:  World Prayer Centre


Also, here’s the prayer published by the Church of England for today’s elections:

Lord, we give thanks for the privileges and responsibilities of living in a democratic society.

Give us wisdom to play our part at election time, that, through the exercise of each vote, your Kingdom may come closer.

Protect us from the sins of despair and cynicism, guard us against the idols of false utopias and strengthen us to make politics a noble calling that serves the common good of all.

We ask this in the name of Jesus Christ Our Lord.


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