Christ Church Schenectady Prayer Table Report

Christ Church Schenectady Prayer Table Report, Saturday, April 21, 2012, 9:25 – 10:35 a.m. Moriah Jones and Torre Bissell on State St. and Carol Baum and Mark Pasko on Albany St.

+–indicates received a wooden cross made by Dennis Adams of North Carolina

State St.

Kayla (young woman) — “I don’t know how to pray. I’m on my way towork.”

Bill (regular) — We prayed for protection from seizures and for companionship.

+Tristan (young boy) — At first his mother said that they were all right and didn’t need prayer. Then Tristan asked for a cross and his mother said that it would cost money and I said, “No, it is free.” We gave Tristan a cross and prayed that he would grow up into the man God wanted him to be.

+Henry (young man) and his mom — We prayed that he would grow up into the man God wanted him to be.

+Paula and Debra (regulars) — We prayed for them and their children and grandchildren. They were helping over at Friendship House across the street where Friendship Baptist Church was handing out free clothing.

+Mike — He gave his burdens to Jesus and accepted His help in carrying them.


+James (regular) — He buried his mom in March (“She was a full Christian.”). He asked prayer for his ex-wife Karen who has medical problems.

++Tim — He asked prayer for his whole family and specifically that his son +Andrew would have help in playing baseball. He took 2 crosses to pas on to others.

+Vanette — After we started to pray for her she started to cry. She gave er sins to Jesus and accepted his forgiveness.

+Jerome — He asked prayer for peace in his family, his job, and his team.

+Crystal — “For my mom Brenda who is coming out of surgery.”

+Phillip — We prayed that he would share Jesus with others.

William — We gave thanks that Iri and Jallah returned safely from Georgia.


+Dawn — “Good health.”

Albany St.

Jeremiah — walking to work.

Mahir — “To go to heaven.”

Nathan — Blessing to keep straight and safe.

Nahquin — Do better in school.

Tasha — Quit smoking and strength to guide her family.

Carmichael — Family safety

Nasjeriah — General prayer.

Billy (man) — Going to work.

Rose — Health (lung and leg problems)

Neiro — For family.

Omari — To be Godly.

DayshoneBaby coming.


Sierra — Godly life.

Glen (man walking by)

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