Esther 4:13-17 and Psalm 119:25-32

January 22, 2014

And Mordecai told them to answer Esther: “Do not think in your heart that you will escape in the king’s palace any more than all the other Jews. For if you remain completely silent at this time, relief and deliverance will arise for the Jews from another place, but you and your father’s house will perish. YET WHO KNOWS WHETHER YOU HAVE COME TO THE KINGDOM FOR SUCH A TIME AS THIS?” Then Esther told them to reply to Mordecai: “Go, gather all the Jews who are present in Shushan, and fast for me; neither eat nor drink for three days, night or day. My maids and I will fast likewise. And so I will go to the king, which is against the law; and if I perish, I perish!” So Mordecai went his way and did according to all that Esther commanded him. (Esther 4:13-17)
      Lord, so many choose to remain silent in the face of evil. Move our hearts to repentance and help us recognize the opportunity you are giving us in this time to speak your word. Help us make the choice of Esther to speak.

My soul clings to the dust; revive me according to your word. (Psalm 119:25)
      Revive us Lord by your word.

I have declared my ways, and you answered me; teach me your statutes. (Psalm 119:26)
      Revive us Lord by your teaching.

Make me understand the way of Your precepts; so shall I meditate on your wondrous works. (Psalm 119:27)
      Revive us Lord as we meditate on your works.

My soul melts from heaviness; strengthen me according to your word. (Psalm 119:28 )
      Revive us Lord and strengthen us.

Remove from me the way of lying, and grant me your law graciously. (Psalm 119:29)
      Revive us Lord by writing your Torah on our hearts.

I have chosen the way of truth; your judgments I have laid before me. (Psalm 119:30)
      Revive us Lord by your word of truth.

I cling to your testimonies; O LORD, do not put me to shame! (Psalm 119:31)
      Revive us Lord as we recall your testimonies.

I will run the course of your commandments, for you shall enlarge my heart. (Psalm 119:32)
      Revive us Lord so that we may run the course of your commandments. Thank you.

A word received: Make the choice to speak my word.

Wednesday: 38 * 119:25-48; Gen. 9:18-29: Heb. 6:1-12: John 3:22-36
Thursday: 37:1-18 * 37:19-42; Gen. 11:1-9: Heb. 6:13-20: John 4:1-15

      Notes from the Front Line

***** PRAYER TABLE REPORT FROM ST. ANN’S OF AMSTERDAM (Monday, Jan. 20, 2014; 10-10:30 a.m. in front of our church on Division Street. Hardly any foot traffic or even auto traffic today because of the holiday. The community meal usually served across the street at the Masonic Temple was not available today because the building was closed for the holiday. Therefore, we only had two people — regulars — come to the table to take advantage of the prayer, non-perishable food and winter clothing we offer each Monday. Deacon intern Marian Sive and Deacon Alan Hart presiding at His table today. Did not give out any wooden crosses or anoint anyone with Holy Oil today.)

NANCY — This needy woman always comes for the food we offer, and she also took some women’s winter clothing. We prayed for her safety and well-being.

MAN and WOMAN (No names) — They passed by and politely declined prayer.

DAVID — This man is a Navy veteran of the Vietnam war, and he always stops for prayer, food and clothing for himself and for others. He has brought many other people to the table during the year and a half that we have been out here. Today he asked for prayer to keep from losing his patience and temper with people recently.

WOMAN IN CAR — She drove by slowly, looked curious and interested but did not stop even though we both waved to her. Maybe she will stop next time.

***** From: Ginnie Grupinski
Sent: Wednesday, January 22, 2014
Subject: Peru Travel Prayers Needed
      Dear Friends and family, This is a prayer request from Bishop Mike and Linda. “We are requesting prayer for our travel tomorrow. We are presently in Ica but will travel tomorrow up to Huancayo. A couple of the roads have been out because of landslides. We are asking for prayer for safe travel and that the Lord will lead us to take the best road to Huancayo.
      Much love and blessings to all. Bishop Mike and Linda”

      I would like to add, please pray for health and strength, and for the people they see, meet and minister to see the love of Jesus in everything they do. That the Chapmans will live in the fullest measure of the call on their lives, and that God would be glorified in everything they puts their hearts and hands to do. Pray for true, life changing salvations and powerful healings. That the word is preached and received, and powerful miracles take place wherever they go ! Love and blessings to all in this new year; may your hearts be full and your lives changed in every good way. Ginnie

Albany Intercessor

Church of England College of Bishops

January 22, 2014

2 Corinthians 1:11 (AMP)
While you also cooperate by your prayers for us [helping and laboring together with us]. Thus [the lips of] many persons [turned toward God will eventually] give thanks on our behalf for the grace (the blessing of deliverance) granted us at the request of the many who have prayed.

O Father,
We thank You for the grace that You are releasing upon the Church of England College of Bishops. Stir the intercessors around the globe to plea for them. Amen.