Ebola crisis intercessors

Philippians 1:19 (NLT)
For I know that as you pray for me and the Spirit of Jesus Christ helps me, this will lead to my deliverance.

Triune God,
Like the four friends bringing their invalid friend to the feet of Jesus through the hole in the roof, the intercessors are standing with the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit holding the sufferers of the Ebola virus epidemic. You, the Triune God, are infinite. We, the intercessors, are finite.
Stir the intercessors, Holy Spirit. Our corner of the pallet is slipping! Stir the intercessors to hold the sufferers of the Ebola virus epidemic in prayer. Bring forth prayers, hymns, and scriptures for the establishment of Your peaceable kingdom in Guinea, Liberia, and Sierra Leone. Stir the intercessors, we pray. Amen.

One Response to Ebola crisis intercessors

  1. […] Lent & Beyond prayers in chronological order Atonement Charles Wesley hymn Angels Panic Thanksgiving for advances Psalm 103 In Your tenderness Portals of Nigeria Arms of flesh Nehemiah Athaliah Peaceable habitation Lift up a standard Revelation Like the Gennesarites The little foxes Wilderness Nahshon Break its teeth King Hezekiah’s tunnel Spirit of praise Wing of protection A banner raised Towering rock Walls Daniel 2:47 Broken masts and useless tackle Ears to hear Bruised reed Intercessors […]

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